Planting churches without walls amongst the Chinese who are scattered throughout rural areas across Canada.
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness."Matthew 9:35
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16
We regularly send out visitation team to visit Chinese living in small towns, and to bring Christian faith, love, and care to them. We also build up local believers through testimonies, love, and bible teachings.
"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Matthew 9:35-38
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
Luke 15:4
Small Town Mission - 2025 vision sharing
Team Building
We build a mission-minded team, in which the members are complimenting with each other.
Prayer Support
We actively invite our ministry partners to attend our monthly prayer meeting. We pray for various needs of the small-town ministry, visitation team members and their targets.
Church Partnership
CCM STM is a partner with churches. Through connecting and serving with churches, we fulfill the mission of proclaiming the Gospel together.
Team Recruitment
We actively recruit individuals to join our visitation team. We also encourage believers to join us in experiencing God’s work together.
Member Caring
We care about the needs of each team member. Through serving in and discussing about the ministry together, we hope to rekindle his/her passion for small town mission.
Spiritual Growth
We help the local believers to form their own family fellowships and to train up leaders among them, so that they can provide pastoral care to new and existing believers. CCM will visit regularly and provide resources to support these fellowships and leaders.
Mission Training
Through various mission related workshops, trainings and seminars, we equip brothers and sisters to develop mission ministry, and inspire them to have a mission mind.
Coordinate Small Town Missions, connect closely with contact from all CCM Centres and provinces, to help them planning visitation trips and trainings.
Rosemary TongActing Ministry Director (Small Town & Overseas Mission)Tel: 604-877-8606 rtong@ccmcanada.org |
Dorothy HoMinistry Coordinator (Small Town & Overseas Mission)Tel: 604-877-8606 dho@ccmcanada.org |
Otto WanItinerary Missionary (BC)Tel: 604-877-8606 | Cell: 604-439-1368 owan@ccmcanada.org |
Rosemary TongActing Ministry Director (Small Town & Overseas Mission)Tel: 604-877-8606 rtong@ccmcanada.org |
Dorothy HoMinistry Coordinator (Small Town & Overseas Mission)Tel: 604-877-8606 dho@ccmcanada.org |
Otto WanItinerary Missionary (BC)Tel: 604-877-8606 | Cell: 604-439-1368 owan@ccmcanada.org |
George YauSmall Town Missionary (Prairie)Tel: 780-885-5343 gyau@ccmcanada.org |
The responsibilities of a regional representative are:
Keep in touch with ministry staff
Assist in the CCM’s STM promotion
Recruit professionals and believers in churches who have a heart of mission
Arrange training and plan vistations
Lead visitation teams
Make regular visits to small towns
Report on the updates of the small towns, in respect the permission and respect of the locals
Serve as a bridge between small town and partnering church
Dorothy Ho | dho@ccmcanada.org |
Otto Wan | owan@ccmcanada.org |
Rosemary Tong | rtong@ccmcanada.org |
Sandy Mei-Kuan Cheung | scheng201506@gmail.com |
Quoc Phu Lam | qphulam@yahoo.com |
Dorothy Ho dho@ccmcanada.org |
Otto Wan owan@ccmcanada.org |
George Yau gyua@ccmcanada.org |
Sandy Mei-Kuan Cheung scheng201506@gmail.com |
Quoc Phu Lam qphulam@yahoo.com |