異象分享會暨晚宴 / 總幹事按立暨就職禮 Vision Sharing Night & Banquet /ED Ordination & Installation回應表 RESPONSE FORM RSVP 姓名 NAME * 日間聯絡電話 DAYTIME PHONE# * 電郵 EMAIL * 異象分享會暨晚宴 VISION SHARING NIGHT & BANQUET 晚宴餐券已售罄,若有疑問,請與總辦公室聯絡:Banquet tickets are sold out. For further inquiries please contact our main office:604-877-8606 / ccm@ccmcanada.org 出席人數 No. of Attendee * ( 本人及同伴 myself and companions) 同伴名字 Name of Companion(s) * 餐券費用 Ticket(s) Total $50/每張 each 按立暨就職禮 ORDINATION & INSTALLATION 出席 will attend * 是 YES 否 NO 出席人數 No. of Attendee * ( 本人及同伴 myself and companions) If you are human, leave this field blank. 回應 SUBMIT RESPONSE